We are very excited to announce that Koala has finally been born. This means that it is now public, transitioning from being a private project worked on in the shadows.
This holds significant meaning for us; it marks the beginning of something new.
What is Koala?
I am thrilled to introduce Koala, a Design System created for users seeking a unique, vibrant website with meticulously crafted components for conversion and SEO optimization.
This may seem obvious, but it's not entirely so.
Over the years, many designers have lost focus on what truly matters for many websites on the internet - conversion.
Converting new users, converting users into customers.
At the end of the day, it's about getting the user to do what the website owner wants.
If we design a website for the user to make a purchase, a good conversion would be the user making a purchase.
If we design a website for the user to hire a service, the same principle applies.
It's about staying on course, being clear in communication.
This focus has been lost over the years, as many have concentrated on creating beautiful websites with complex animations, wow effects, and other elements, which are important but should not overshadow the initial goal.
Koala is born with the intention of guiding users to build functional websites capable of converting, and we will achieve this by providing pre-made structures and components.
So that creating a website becomes a matter of drag-and-drop and slight customization.
How will Koala be different from the rest?
Herein lies the charm - it won't be different. It will be another Design System in the market, but with structures and components optimized for conversion and SEO.
Every component you place, we will ensure it is well-optimized and cool enough for your website to stand out.
Simply put, we have built something very meticulously.
What is Koala's goal, and how can I benefit?
This project arises from a clear need of Jordi Espinosa:
- I have a full-time job, so I hardly have time for anything else. I need to find a way to optimize my process.
- In my little free time, I work with my clients as a freelancer and create templates for Webflow - hence the need to streamline this process.
From here, a mega-doubt arises: How can I, with the little time left in my day, optimize my process to create websites as quickly as possible?
Basically, by creating a library where every time I make a component for a client, I save it and reuse it in future projects.
This, extrapolated to around 50 projects per year, over 10 years, adds up to around 5,000 components easily.
Updates and News
Koala is a project by Jordi Espinosa; this update channel will be used to inform about Koala's evolution and all the behind-the-scenes procedures, which will be documented in The Bunker's newsletter - you can find the link here.
The operation will be as follows: Instead of waiting indefinitely for an acceptable version, we will release small updates every week.
This means that in the first week, we will launch the UI Kit, in the second week, we will incorporate new components, and so on until we have the final product.
The true value of Koala will not be apparent now; it will be seen five years from now. Like any product, it's the iteration and constant improvement that will make it special.
Today, it has immense value because, in the end, it is a project born in realistic scenarios with other clients. Every component, page, and structure is used for companies that are already functioning, such as goin.app, for example.
If you want to see all the upcoming features, we have prepared a public roadmap.